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Why The Different Kinds of Gold Pans?

Take a look at any gold pan and unless you've been panning for some time you may wonder why pan "A" is different from pan "B". Some are plastic, some are metal, some have deep ridges and some are nearly smooth. They come in different colors, too. To figure out why they offer so many choices and which one is right for you, lets think about what we want them to do for us.

If you are choosing your first pan or one for the kids its OK to shop by price. After you've got some experience you will learn why there are choices of deep and shallow ridges around the sides of a gold pan.

Blue ASR Pan
ASR Blue Gold Pan with Dual Riffles! Best Riffled Gold Pan Great for Backpacking and Available in Four Sizes, Three Colors!

What's With the Ridges?

The ridges - or riffles - in the pans are to separate different weights of material. As you swirl your sample in a slightly tilted pan, the lighter material will settle at the highest ridges and can be carefully checked through as you pour off the lighter particles. These might be wood fragments, grass or tiny grains of sand. Then you can add more water and swirl more vigorously to get ever heavier sediment to separate off the same way. Gold is commonly found with the black grains of magnetite which is heavier than common silica type sand grains.

When you have run through these steps a few times you will find only large or heavy material left in the pan. Large chunks of gravel can be picked out or strained out and only the heaviest small particles will be left. It takes more skill and patience to get the same results with a smooth pan.

Try it at Home

If you want to try out your techniques and equipment at home you can get a bag of Gold concentrate also called "Paydirt". Great way to spend a rainy day and you could actually come out ahead. Learning with the real thing means you can fine tune your panning and pan selection befor heading out. Actual gold bearing material to work with that is guaranteed to contain gold.

What's With the Colors?

Think about where you are planning to use that pan - most likely in shallow running water. Why? There may be gold to be found in a lake but it would be buried in sediment; to have a better chance of finding gold, you want to be able to scoop a little sand, swirl it lightly and watch it closely for the specks, flakes, that "flash" in the pan that you came for.

If the sand is a dark color, you want to use a pan that lets you see the sand easily so choose a lighter colored pan. If the sand particles are large, coarse sand you'll need a pan with deep ridges on the sides.

Plastic or Metal?

Plastic pans are generally cheaper than metal pans, require less diligent care and handling to keep them in decent shape. Plastic pans are prone to being stepped on and cracked, or being carried down the river by brisk winds or by a moment's distraction. All pans should be seasoned before use by washing off all factory production oils. Metal pans are more durable, more expensive and should be washed and dried after use (and before stowing) to keep them in good condition. Performance wise, I have not been able to find a person to tell me a difference.

Panning is very much a skill that develops with more experience so it is helpful to pan in groups to try different equipment and techniques while you are getting a feel for the art. You will develop your own preferences with experience.

Round or Hexagon - or Square?

Depends on the job and on your own techniques. Specialty shapes have been designed to work under specific conditions. The ASR Blue shown above is one example, the sharper corners help break up ice and sand fragments and the deeper, sharply angled riffles separate more clearly than less defined ridges.

Gold pans are not a "one-size-fits-all" commodity, much depends on your own experience and the waters you will be working with so our best recommendations are to start basic and upgrade if and when you see a need for it. You may never need to upgrade.

Panning is a good skill to learn, though it is not a production method. It can help you find a place that deserves more intense equipment such as sluices and rocker boxes. You aren't going to haul that equipment around for a weekend camping trip.

See all the shapes, sizes and materials of Gold Pans at Amazon

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